Future Events:
- Boundaries As Self-Compassion Workshop, June 26-27, 2021, 9am-12pm PST, CLICK HERE for more info (or click Boundaries Workshop at the top of the page)!
- Weekly Support Group: Wednesdays at 5pm PST for all of 2021: Shine Our Light 12 Steps to Healing
- Health and Healing Retreat: Colorado, TBD, but maybe October, 2021!
Keep an eye out on my Meetup page and Facebook page for all future events.
Hope to see you at some events!
Past Events:
- Boundaries for Empaths Workshop: May 15, 2021, 9am-3pm PST
- Oct 2018, Jan 2019: 3 day, workshop-style class: Establish Your Presence: Personal Empowerment @ Poway Adult School
- Description: Walk into the room like you own the place. Be heard, express your truth and do what’s right for you. Join us for this empowering workshop-style course and learn how to communicate so others will listen, how to build the courage to say “no” without feeling guilty, and how to avoid the pitfalls of boundary setting mistakes
- Nov 2018: Spoke at the Vegan LadyBoss Meetup group in San Diego, CA